Consultation on Changes to Pesticide Legislation

On May 4th, 2022, the Province of British Columbia launched a public consultation on proposed regulatory changes to ban the widespread sale and use of second generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs). Although SGARs have become a common form of rodenticide due to their effectiveness, they can be exceptionally toxic to wildlife if accidentally consumed.

The regulatory changes are expected to come into effect on January 20th, 2023.

In order to minimize the use of SGAR’s, the proposed changes will restrict SGAR use to only essential services, implement SGAR user licensing, certification and record keeping, prohibit long-term baiting with SGARs, and encourage use of alternative methods of pest control.

The Province has released an Integrated Pest Management Regulation (IPMR) Rodenticide Intentions Paper with a detailed explanation of the scope of the proposed changes. The intentions paper is the result of the Province’s July 2021 decision to introduce an 18-month ban on the sale of SGARs to undertake more research and develop recommendations.

Comments are open until June 19th, 2022. Submit comments online through the online form, or contact the IMPR program at

If you have any further questions, please contact the BOMA BC Government Relations Director Zach Segal at