Decarb Accelerator Program

An exciting opportunity exists for your building to receive hands-on support from BOMA to develop a decarbonization plan.


BOMA BC has long been an advocate and supporter of environmental management within the commercial real estate industry. Balancing the need to reduce our industry’s carbon emissions with fair regulations and adequate support from government policymakers has been a constant pursuit we’ve undertaken on behalf of and alongside our membership.

Now, BOMA BC has an extraordinary opportunity to support buildings in a meaningful and profound way through funding from the Federal Government and in partnership with the Zero Emissions Innovation Centre (ZEIC).*

This three-year program assists building owners and managers in identification and reduction of GHG emissions and overall building efficiencies.

BOMA’s objective is to help buildings lower their carbon emissions to comply with existing reporting regulations within the City of Vancouver and impending reporting and emissions limits elsewhere within the Province of BC.

BOMA wants to ensure buildings are provided with the right information and support to identify and select replacement equipment and building systems that will avoid future emissions fines and taxes that could leave your building financially constrained.

*This program is part of the BC Retrofit Accelerator, a Zero Emissions Innovation Centre program, co-funded by Natural Resource Canada’s Deep Retrofit Accelerator Initiative, the Ronald S. Roadburg Foundation, Metro Vancouver, and other contributors.

What you receive

Every building participating in the program will receive a dedicated Decarb Program Manager/Engineer that will work one on one with your team to assess and determine what unique support or resources your property and team might need to assist in reducing your energy and carbon emissions.

At a minimum, every building will receive:

  • A decarbonization plan detailing their building-specific retrofit opportunities along with suitable replacement equipment alternatives.
  • Buildings who are deemed ‘retrofit ready’*, whereby systems or equipment has been identified as at, or near, its end of life will also receive a full ASHRAE L2 energy audit. The energy audit will be performed by a pre-qualified engineering consulting firm. They will provide suitable retrofit options showcasing modelled energy data that will lower your building’s carbon footprint, thus reducing your carbon tax burden and assurance that it remains compliant with GHG emissions limits and avoidance of potential fines.

Here is just a sampling of additional items your property could receive through participation in the program*:

  • Action plan for your property’s BOMA BEST certification
  • ASHRAE Level 1 energy audit and decarbonization assessment
  • Building controls recommissioning assessment
  • Building Operator training in building optimization and decarbonization
  • Business case development with energy modelling for identified retrofit opportunities
  • Decarbonization roadmap
  • Energy and carbon benchmarking on Energy Star Portfolio Manager
  • Green Lease development assistance
  • Up-to-the-minute information on existing and impending carbon emissions regulations along with expert advice on how your building can navigate these regulations and take advantage of further utilities and Provincial incentive and financing programs

Available resources equate to well over $20,000 per building (note no funding can go towards physical infrastructure investments, however,  BOMA can assist with sourcing low-cost financing for such investments).

The full scope of available resources will be discussed and applied to each building upon program acceptance.

*Buildings will be assessed for retrofit-readiness; the ‘most-ready’ buildings will have greater probability of program acceptance. Building will also be assessed for needs analysis and appropriate resources and assistance will be applied. Not all buildings will need or receive all items.

Your commitment

There are a limited number of spots in this program. Each building commits to working with a dedicated Engineer/Program Manager for 10 months. A fresh intake of buildings/property teams will occur annually (for the three-year life of the program).

Each building also commits to sharing their energy utility data through read-only access on Energy Star Portfolio Manager, as well the results of any energy and carbon assessments paid for or subsided through the Decarb Accelerator program with BOMA BC and its program partners.

How to apply

Simply provide us a few basic details about your building by completing the application below. We’ll review and circle back to all building applicants to share further program information and eligibility and discuss your building’s suitability for the program.